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My words and photographs are copyrighted, and may not be used without permission, even on Pinterest.

~ Kathy M.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

100th Birthday Celebration:

As I mentioned in this post:  "A Place of Beauty", last Saturday Cary and I drove over to the valley to spend the day with my Mom's side of the family.  We were celebrating what would have been my Grandmother Florence Hedrick Traylor's 100th birthday.  Her husband, Floyd Albert Traylor and my other grandfather, John Delmar Johnson, would have also been 100 years old this year if they were still alive.

We all brought chicken and side dishes.

Mom made us all informational packets about our family history:

These three sisters, Mardelle, Sondy and Jody are "The Aunties".

Mom, my sister Julie and my Aunt Sondy.

Uncle Frank and Cary solve world affairs.

Artists in residence:  Shilo and Kinsey work on their journals as their little cousin hangs out nearby.

There were young couples in love.  My daughter Kristin with her boyfriend Scott are in the picture above, and my nephew Ethan and his gal Alix sit on the big rocks.

Cousins were everywhere:

Tessa, Rachel, Shilo, Kinsey, L., Z., Casey and A.

Ethan, Kari, Jen, Kristin and Alix

Sally, Julie, Tim, B., Maria, Me, Cary, Nanci, Amy and Scott

This one cracked me up.  #31 is my grandson, Casey.

Best friends were there too.

It was a great day.  Warm, windy, lots of food and great fellowship.  We will meet up with these guys again at Thanksgiving.

Hope that you are all doing well as the summer comes to a close.

~ Kathy M.

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.
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Unknown said...

What a beautiful family! It looks like you all were able to have a wonderful time together. Family is a joy and to be able to see so many at one time. I miss my mother's families get togethers. We're all quite scattered and don't even write anymore.

Sally Wessely said...

Wonderful family times. I love time with cousins.

Connie said...

Hi Kathy, I get a little bit excited whenever I see your thumbprint in my list of comments. Having you visit is always a pleasure.

Your celebration looks like so much fun. You have a lovely family. I do have a question . . . I did not see anyone there that looked 100, who's birthday was it?

Have a great week, Connie :)

Anonymous said...

That's one large family, it looks very cosy!

Tammy said...

That has to be just about the best tribute ever - to still have people celebrate your birthday even after you're gone. And what a big, attractive family! Very heart-warming!

Lisa Ricard Claro said...

How fortunate you are to have so many family members close enough to meet and celebrate together. We're all scattered and so have missed out on that. You're a lucky lady!

Linda Reeder said...

Such a lovely bunch of young people! You know you are doing it right when you see all of those teens smiling!

Nick Wilford said...

What a lovely idea for a get-together. Looks like it was great fun!

Little Nell said...

I've never heard of celebrating what might have been birthdays before. It looks like a great get-together.

Kathy A. Johnson said...

How fun to have so many family members together--looks like you had a beautiful day for it, too. (And you can't beat fried chicken for a potluck, either!)

Connie Chaffee Leaman said...

Hi Kathy ... I remember when you were a baby, so cute! My family lived across from your grandparents and mother and aunties on Mayfair St. in Eugene. I'm about a year older than Sondy. I enjoyed the pictures, and just happened to stumble across your blog when I was checking, as I do periodically, to see if Mardelle or Sondy (and your mother, but I thought she'd be harder to find) were on Facebook. Never seems to happen. Would sure like to get in touch with any or all of the three. Now I'm off to read some more of your blogs. You're a grandmother now? Goodness.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Thank you for your comments, everybody! We always have fun when this group gets together.

Connie, how wonderful that you have found us! I sent your message on to Mom and Aunt Mardy. If you can email me at then I will be able to help you get in touch with them.


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