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~ Kathy M.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sepia Saturday: "Groups with Hats"

This week's Sepia Saturday theme photo has some mighty high-flutin' society folks dressed up fancy and wearing spiffy hats.  Well, here in Oregon, where I hail from, my family wasn't quite as fancy, but they sure were enjoying themselves, and some were wearing hats.

I sure wish that this photo was labeled so that we could know who everybody is.  With Mom's help on the way, we might be able to.  I do think that in the front row, Hobart Hedrick is standing next to his step-mom,  Granny Litha Letsom Hedrick, and the baby is Flora and Hobart's baby, Danny.  They are standing next to Great-Grandpa Ben Hedrick, wearing the white hat.  Grandpa Ben, thank goodness, usually wears the same kind of hat in most of his photos making it easy to figure out who he is.   Danny was born in 1927, and is the one who died on the Navy ship during WWII. 

Mom thinks that Herbert and Chloe Jensen are next to Grandpa Ben, with their big boy standing in front.  Standing up high behind Hobart and Granny, Mom thinks that Uncle John is on the end, Grandma Florence is next to him, Flora (Hobart's wife) is pregnant with Lyle and is standing next to Uncle Homer (the one holding the dog).

I love what Granny wrote on the back of this picture.

Above is another celebration, or perhaps only a Sunday picnic. Again, Grandpa Ben is wearing his white hat in the middle of the picture, holding a baby girl ... maybe my Grandma Florence?  I count three babies here, and four guys wearing hats.  I hope that we will figure out who everybody is pretty soon.

I doubt if we will ever learn who all these men are in this picture, but Grandpa Ben is labeled.  I wonder what the story is here?  It looks to me like the loggers are posing with the company men, the guys in the suits.  Wonder what the company was?  This could have been taken in Oregon, but it also could have been in Washington, because Grandpa Ben and Granny Litha lived there for awhile when they were first married before returning to Hardscrabble and Jack Creek Ranch. 

So, there you are, my friends.  If you enjoyed this story, please visit my Sepia Saturday friends by "CLICKING HERE" to find other neat photos and stories.  To read more about my family and other stories featuring old photos, memories and more, please look for this picture of me and my dad on the left-hand sidebar and read whatever else catches your fancy.  Thanks so much for visiting!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.
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Wendy said...

Wonderful photos of groups. Love the high on beer comment -- that was a surprise. I'm working on my SS post now but your pics are way better than mine. boo hoo

Little Nell said...

Granny ’s comment is very funny. I do hope they weren't feeding the babies with beer too! Everyone looks really happy in that second shot too. I hope you get some names to face soon.

Linda Reeder said...

OK, you had me confused. I was pretty sure it was Tuesday, not Saturday!
Tom is our family historian. Recently he made contact with several distant cousins across the country and they have been emailing each other photos and then trying to identify the people in them. Old photos are fun.

Sally Wessely said...

I love the old photos. My cousin and I are always looking at old photos and trying to figure out who is in them. I don't think anyone else even cares, but to us, it is important to keep the family history alive.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Let's see what your mom can remember!! But these were fun to look at. Thanx 4 sharing!!

Kathy said...

Just love the old photos. Our family has a lot of old group shots, too. I think the first one with everyone up on the flatbed wagon is priceless. There are so many things to like about it; the wagon tilted and everyone on that end, hanging on tight, the guy with the dog, the 'put out' look on some of the women's faces, the babies in the photo, and the little brown bottles.
What a classic!!
Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

KathyB. said...

I love the contrast in the pictures...and the way you set that up. Made me laugh, and then you added the picture of your granny's writing and I really laughed!They do look like they are having a very good time together, don't they?

Alan Burnett said...

Your usual wonderful and entertaining collection of images. That first group might not look as "posh" as the group on the archive image - but they certainly seem to be having a better time.

The Armchair Squid said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing.

Arkansas Patti said...

Good to see an old picture with people actually smiling. Nice change of pace. Maybe the beer helped:))

Teresa Wilson Rogers said...

Isn't it amazing how families have always enjoyed getting together and having fun. Some things never change. Of course, I'm sure there were some family squabbles going on in the background. :-)

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

I love the way the people are grouped in the first photo. This looks like a party I'm sorry I missed! Your grandmother's remarks are priceless and such a reminder that we should add information to our own photos for the benefit and enjoyment of future

21 Wits said...

Your first photo is wonderful! I know I hate it too when you see written ...from all of us...or that's all of us....all of us who? Ha ha! Don't they know their relatives would be wondering way down the line! LOL Once again you've given us what Sepia Saturday is all about! Thanks!

North County Film Club said...

These photos are wonderful. I feel like I'm really getting to know your family.
The last photo with the loggers and the "suits" together—now that's really something. You wouldn't think they would mix.

Postcardy said...

I t looks like almost everyone is enjoying themselves in the first picture. There is a lot of action and interaction that isn't usually seen in group portraits.

Bob Scotney said...

That last group of men could just beworking on a railroad.

Joy said...

You can tell your family enjoyed a good time, the "almost enough beer to swim in" is so funny. The family at play looks more fun that the work picture. Unless the man on the left is holding a bottle of beer.

Jana Iverson Last said...

Family photos are so fun! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

What a great group of photos! Love Granny's remarks on the back, to funny!

Gloria said...

Kathy: it's LATE, so I will admit that I did not peruse/read this post as I should have. But: I do have to say that I did LOVE what was written on the back of the photo from your Granny years ago: "We were all rather high by this time." (i.e., the beer!) LOVE IT!!!! Your Granny is a girl after my own heart! LOL! (Although I don't care for beer, I'd match her a beer for a Rye & Coke! LOL!)

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