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~ Kathy M.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Not So Secret Gardens of Belknap Springs Resort:

Over the river and through the woods, on your way to THE SECRET GARDEN  and back, the hiking trails and manicured lawns of Belknap Springs Resort are simply stunning.  It was too hard to choose from which pictures to show you, so I included almost all of the ones that I took.  Enjoy!

 Cabin #7 (the only cabin on this side of the river):

There are thirteen tent campsites situated nearby the cabin:

The Japanese Structure:

The steps to the Japanese structure are now gone, so you can't go inside.  It is still neat looking though, and the little falls there are pretty powerful.


I held my camera over the opening at the base of the structure and this is what I came up with.  You can see the shadows of my hands and arms holding the camera:

Gorgeous ponds are abundant amoung the trails:

The lawns and The Secret Garden are available to rent for weddings and other special occasions: 

The beautiful scenery certainly refreshes one's spirit: 

I hope that you enjoyed the tour!  If you get the chance to visit this place, you will be glad that you did.  To learn more about our day visit to Belknap Springs Resort in July 2012, please "CLICK HERE".

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.
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Little Nell said...

That's a very grand cabin. I always thought that cabins were a small shelter in the woods.

Connie said...

Hi Kathy, What a beautiful trail and that bench is awesome. I hope that you do give the guitar a try . . . you just might surprise yourself . . . I sure did. I can not read a note of music, but learning to play by chords . . . I now have hundreds of songs under my belt. Although I have always loved music, I now have a new growing love for it, and I'm having so much fun. Just imagine yourself sitting on that bench out in the middle of the woods playing a John Denver song. Have a great weekend. Connie :)

Connie said...

Hi, I just got back from checking my new music blog and I see that you are following it, too. . . thanks so very much. Connie :)

Kathy A. Johnson said...

Lovely pictures. Is there anything as nice as a walk in the woods?

Bruno Laliberté said...

This looks like such a lovely location. Nice that you were able to photograph it without a bunch of people spoiling the frame.
Thanx 4 sharing!!

Bruno Laliberté said...

This looks like a lovely location and nice that there wasn't a bunch of people around to spoil each frame.
Thanx 4 sharing!!

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

It looks such a wonderful place - so peaceful.

Condos in NYC said...

Awesome place!!! Lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing

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