On Wednesday, Cary and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary and our tenth year together. A whole decade has gone by since we met and fell in love, creating the most peaceful and happy part of my whole life.
The funny thing is, we both forgot all about our anniversary this year. Cary had taken his mom shopping that day, and among other things, she bought some flowers. As he was helping her unload her groceries, she put the flowers in the pretty vase below, and said, "Happy Anniversary!" He said, "What???" After dropping off the flowers and the vase at our house, he scooted on downtown to buy me a card. I was the surprised one when I came home, and felt awful that I had forgotten all about our special day.
Our friends Tom and Cheryl came over to help us celebrate. We ate some pizza. Tom and Cary got the 5th wheel ready for this season of camping. (We are planning on camping this coming week.)
The vase is very special. You see, right before Cary's Dad died, he had us get 60 red roses and the vase for him to give to Darlene on their 60th wedding anniversary. The day after their anniversary, he died of esophagus cancer. He had it all planned out that way. That was six years ago.
I know that Darlene would not really like the picture above, so I hope that she doesn't read this post, but I am very grateful to have her as my MIL. I sure do miss Troy too. Here is how Darlene usually looks, but even better now. She doesn't even have to wear oxygen these days:
All of a sudden, things have fallen into place for me at work. Our new crew is working together, having fun, and things are not so overwhelming. It is now just my job, and I am able to leave it there for the most part. I am reclaiming the rest of my life, including having energy for blogging and getting back in touch with my friends and family. I am not sick anymore (that last cold lasted for 3 or 4 weeks!), and am really feeling blessed.
On Friday, Julie, Amy and I took the kids for a long walk. It was a beautiful day, and some of the pictures turned out so cute.
There was a deer up ahead, so we all slowed down and lowered our voices. The last thing that we needed was for it to become startled and run out in front of a bunch of cars. We took the path right before the spot where the deer was standing, and it just walked away without any drama.
I LOVE Central Oregon summers! That is Paulina Peak in the background and where Cary and I will be camping over the 4th of July.
I couldn't get a good picture, but there were actually two bald eagles soaring above our little group that day.
There was a stand of cat-tails, and Ms. Amy walked down to pick one for each child. Some of the cat-tails made it back to school in one piece; others were plucked to the very stem by the time we returned "home".
The kids are just so cute! I am used to seeing them in the school setting, were everything is their own size. They look tiny when out in the big wide-world, don't they?
Julie pushed the stroller the whole way (most likely close to 2 miles, I'm not sure how the kids did it). I took pictures, and of course, that is why there are not any of me.
Cary and I plan on going into Bend tonight to celebrate our time together so far. I have shown this picture in the past, but here is our wedding photo. We both look so much younger!
I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend! Thank you so much for stopping by to visit me.
~ Kathy M.
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