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~ Kathy M.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Book Blurb Friday #47: The Glory of True Love

Disclaimer on this post ... this story is not real, it is part of Book Blurb Friday where some of my blog friends and I join up each week with Lisa Ricard Claro, look at the photo that she posts, and then write a 150 word book blurb to entice people to buy a book off of what we write.  It is probably a touchy subject on what I wrote this week, but this is the story that came to mind.  To me, these people looked happy and in love, and they are surrounded by water, and that is how I came up with the following blurb. 

Check out Sioux' Page.

"The Glory of True Love"
by Kathy Matthews

Now that he had found his Liz, Frank Braxton has everything.   Since he had spotted her at church ten months ago, Liz rarely left his side.  When she had to go to work for the day, he used to call and tell her how he wished he could carry her around in his shirt pocket, so that she would always be with him.  The glory of true love was definitely a healing thing. 

The lovers are on their honeymoon.  Their family and friends have pitched in to buy them a special cruise trip to Italy. Neither Frank or Liz are very comfortable with the idea of being on the open ocean.  Everybody reassured them that of course nothing would ever happen, and that modern day ocean-liners were super safe.  Indeed, they were having a wonderful time.  Then disaster struck, and Frank is not about to let true love go. (150)

I found this John Prine song, The Glory of True Love, on YouTube:

Please join me in keeping those effected by the Italy sinking of the cruise ship lifted up in your prayers.  What a sad, sad thing.

I am participating in Lisa's Book Blurb Friday, from over at Writing in the Buff.   It is fun, and you can play too!  Pretend that the picture on the top of this post is the cover of a book.  On the inside jacket, you have 150 words to entice the reader to buy your book.  Lisa gives us a week to think about next week's entry (she's gracious like that).  Please CLICK HERE  to read what everybody else wrote!

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.
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Lisa Ricard Claro said...

You posted early! Mine is finished and ready to roll at 7 pm. :) You know I love romance, and this is the "true love" kind. I'd read it. I have a feeling Frank is going to have to go above and beyond to keep Liz safe.

Gloria said...

Kathy: I don't know this story... do you mean that was Frank found, but Liz is still missing from the horrible catastrophe of the sinking cruise ship? Well, either way, I will pray for them, plus all of the others. Such a devastating story...

Kay L. Davies said...

I guess it's inevitable that more than one of us would remember this week's shipwreck, Kathy.
Good blurb. I'll buy your book if you'll buy mine. LOL

Arkansas Patti said...

There you go, making me want to buy a book that doesn't exist. Sure fits in with todays headlines.

Grandma's Goulash said...

Straight romance isn't usually my cup of tea, but this promises to have action as well. I'd be heading for the checkout counter.

Tammy said...

Wow--I like how you tied this into a real disaster!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Lisa, I did post early. I had a lot of posting to do this weekend and wanted to begin with BBF. I agree, I think that Frank will be super busy and really wishing that Liz could fit into his pocket now.

Gloria, I fixed it ... it isn't true!

Kay, write yours first, lol!

Patti, thank you, you are always so encouraging. This one would be interesting, but I think the ship tragedy is so sad AND it makes me angry, so I probably won't write this.

Grandma, well, thank you so much!

Tammy, that is what I saw when I saw this photo ... both popped into my life during the same week. Thanks for coming over to see me.

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