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~ Kathy M.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sepia Saturday Posts #107, 108 and 109: Catching Up!

I have been away from Sepia Saturday for oh so long.  We had so much happen in December that I got behind, and then we went to Texas and I needed to get caught up on that stuff.  I've missed making my Sepia Saturday posts and visiting my Sepia Saturday friends.

This week, I am showing some slideshows that some of you may have already seen. is closing down in early March 2012, and I wanted to show them again while I still can.  I also wanted our family on Facebook another opportunity to view them.  The first two slide shows are of my husband Cary's family, and the last one is of my Dad and the Johnson side of my family. 

If you love old pictures and awesome stories, please "CLICK HERE" to see what my Sepia Saturday friends are up to this week!

"People and Their Pets"

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews
This sweet baby is my husband Cary. The slideshow below is of him with his family.

"Ladies and Their Hats"

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews
The photo above is of my husband Cary's Grandma Pearl Spillers Wright Ellis.  The slide show below is of the Spillers family in 1947.

"Little Blond Girls"

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

Me and my Dad.  Believe it or not, this was my Easter Outfit for that year! 

Here is a story about me when I was little and about my doll, Sherry:  A Trip Down Memory Lane to Home, Sweet Home  

January 2009:  Last Sunday, on our way home from Corvallis, we drove through Sweet Home, Oregon. I lived in Sweet Home when I was 4 and 5.  I went to kindergarten there, at Oak Heights school. We lived in a house that was converted into a duplex, and my little friend next door was named Terri. My friend Monty lived with his parents and 4 brothers in the house next to us. I was living in Sweet Home when President Kennedy was shot. I remember that day very well, because when I got home from school, my Mom was watching the black and white t.v. and she was crying. It may have been the first time that I saw her cry ... she's very good about holding it all in. I felt a sense of doom, and, of course there was good reason for that.  

My Dad was the manager at the grocery store. My mom was a R.N. at the hospital in Lebanon. We weren't that far away from Harrisburg and Junction City, so Uncle Red, Aunt Vete, Shelly and Terry ... as well as Grandma and Grandpa Johnson and Grandma and Grandpa T. came to visit often. I had a world globe, which I was very proud of. One time Uncle Red brought his wild brother Tom with him, and Tom broke my globe.  I felt pretty bad about that one, but he grew up to be a minister and mended his wild ways. 

I learned to ride my bike at this house. I ran through the sprinkler in the summer with my brother wearing only my underpants. The older kids (probably 2nd or 3rd graders) made fun of me, and made me feel bad and ashamed because I didn't have a top on. Never again did I go outside without my top! 

The neighbor's dog, Sadie, died when somebody threw poisoned meat over the fence and she ate it. 

I lived in that house during the big flood.  My dad's store was flooded, but we lived up high enough not to have our little house effected. There were old, unused railroad tracks behind the house that we used to explore. 

I went to a sleepover at Monty's in the backyard when they had their tent up. I got up very early and went home because I was a little spooked. When the boys woke up they came over and made sure I was okay. They were nice boys. 

Here is a picture of my dad with a reverse Mohawk, my little bro, my baby sister and me, sitting on our porch.  I'm not quite sure what you would call Angie's hairstyle.  I think that the sun was in our eyes. 

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

This is what the house looked like on that Sunday when Cary and I visited.  It doesn't really look that different, does it? Too bad all those cars are blocking the view. I hopped out of the car with my camera and a lady flung open the front door. I said, "I hope you don't mind, but I lived here when I was 5." Cary said, "Is this a duplex?" He still wasn't sure it was the right house. She nodded her head. I said, "Does it have an upstairs?"  She nodded again. I guess she thought we were legit, because she just turned around and closed the door.:

 Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

This is what my old school looks like now.  It is called Oak Heights:

My best friend husband is 11 years older than me. He was a senior in high school when I was in kindergarten. We have a standing joke that he walked by my classroom one day, looked in the window, pointed to me and said: "I'm going to marry that little girl someday!"   This would have been the school where he found me and claimed dibs. It's funny how 11 years makes such a difference when you are young but not when you are old. 

I loved going to school. I remember walking up the long hill from school to home, by myself. Guess what? It is barely a slope, and certainly not a hill. Also, it is only about a half block away from my old house. On Halloween, we were dressing up at school. I wore my costume to school, because that is what we understood we were supposed to do. But, no. We were supposed to bring our costumes to school and put them on for the party. Once again, I was embarrassed. Oh well. 

I graduated from kindergarten at Oak Heights School.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews

This is my doll Sherry. I got Sherry for my birthday when I was 5. I loved Sherry very much. So did my little brother. He was really a pretty easy going guy at the age of 2 1/2, but he would fight me for that doll. I had to hide her under my shirt just to avoid conflict. My mom and dad decided to buy him his own doll. It was a jester stuffed doll, and little bro named him Pinocchio. He loved Pinocchio so much that he eventually loved him to death. After a couple of years, Mom and Dad had to get another, similar jester doll that was subsequently named Pinocchio. I think he still has that one. We are kind of a sentimental bunch in our family.   

On our drive back home, I was telling my Cary all about my time living in Sweet Home and the above memories. I started feeling really bad about Sherry.  I built her a new body about 25 years ago, but currently she was just shoved in the toy box in the spare room. Yesterday, when I was at Bi-Mart, I found a cute doll with extra clothes and accessories on sale. I bought it, came home, dressed Sherry and put her in the cute little doll bed pictured above. I held her and kissed her, and felt really bad that she has been hanging out naked with her arm falling off in a dark toy box. Now she is all spiffed up, as you can see. I showed her to Cary and he said, "Do you still have her original clothes?" I said, "Heck no! She doesn't even have her original body!" Then he said, "What are you doing, holding and kissing that doll?" I said, "Trying to make up for 45 years of neglect." 

Welcome back, Sherry. Now I just need to go retrieve Tippy from the (clean) garbage can in the storage unit that holds all of the old stuffed animals.

~ Kathy M.

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.
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Wendy said...

Welcome back! That first picture of Troy - wow, I thought it was Bobby Kennedy! I enjoyed this "catch up" post. The past 3 themes have been a lot of fun.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Thanks, Wendy! Troy was really handsome, I agree.

Postcardy said...

Poor Sherry. I felt sorry for her being naked with her arm falling off. When I saw the picture I thought it looked new like a doll that hadn't been played with. Of course that's because of all the new stuff you gave her.

Christine H. said...

I had to do some catching up too, and spent some time looking at pictures of little Cary. I love the one where he looks like a meditating Buddhist monk. How fun to go back and visit your old house and school.

Little Nell said...

I feel I’ve been thoroughly entertained by this post Kathy. I enjoyed all of it, but for once your storytelling beats your amazing photos. Dare I admit that I was quite moved by that last couple of lines?

Bob Scotney said...

Three posts in one; so glad you've caught up. Neat slide shows - all three.
Lebanon caught my attention as I spent some time at the Lebanon foundry back in the 1960s when I managed a UK foundry and engineering company.

Kristin said...

Lebanon caught my eye too as my father's mother was born there if that is Kentucky, which it is, right? The old doll looks great with her newly made body and new set of clothes. My favorite out of all the photos is the one of your father and the three children. I love your baby sister's hair. Your brother looks a bit like he's going into a karate stance. Good job of catching up!

Kristin said...

On second read through, I guess this would be Lebanon Oregon and NOT Lebanon KY. I'm so confused.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Postcardy, I know, I felt pretty guilty over all that. I'm pretty nice to real babies though.

Christine, that picture is one of my very favorites too! It was fun to go back to Sweet Home. I had to ask some old guys in their driveway on the other side of town where a house with unused railroad tracks and a school was and they sent us right there.

Little Nell, well thank you so much. I really want to me known for my writing, and I hope that this year I'll really get going on it. Taking the pictures is easy for me for some reason.

Bob, I am so glad that you enjoyed them. I wasn't sure if I have posted all of them on SS or not. It sounds as if you have had some very interesting jobs!

Kristin, it is Lebanon, Oregon. I just added that into the post; sorry it confused you but I am glad that you pointed it out. Wasn't Angie's hair a sight? So much of it and sticking out all over the place, lol.

tony said...

Welcome Back! What A Great Selection Of Memories!I Do Love The Slideshows Especially.Regards From Tony.

Unknown said...

Wow, I'm impressed how you caught up three Sepia weeks at once...isn't it funny how we so miss this site when we are not here, at least I do. Your Sherry doll story is the best, I admit I was amazed that her clothing and bed looked so Marcella and Bride dolls are in good shape with original dress, but some tattered places from years...Enjoyed the slides too.

Liz Stratton said...

Welcome back! I adore the picture of you in your straw hat. Must admit that I was more of a stuffed animal person.

Alan Burnett said...

Yes it is great to have you back - complete with a bumper bundle of fine old photographs. Sepia Saturday has not been the same without you.

Anonymous said...

Great collection of photos and stories - I wonder if Kitty was trying to mooch a bit of whatever Cary was eating? :-) Jo

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Tony, thank you! I am glad to be back.

Hi Pat, I did miss everybody. Sherry's clothes are new; she has been well loved over the years and I don't even know what her original clothes would look like!

Hi Liz, thanks, I love that picture too. And my Dad, standing there holding his beer, lol.

Alan, thank you so much!

Jo, most likely! Thanks for your visit.

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

Wonderful stories and pictures! I feel almost as though I was part of your family as I was reading it.

I didn't know was closing. :(

Mike Brubaker said...

Thanks for a wonderful tour of your family photos. Several are really terrific portraits.

Tattered and Lost said...

Isn't it wonderful how dolls become childhood friends that we remember. I have the first doll I was ever given. Alas, my favorite doll was thrown out when I was at school. I came home to find her gone and just an empty chair. I don't think my mother ever fully understood how much that doll meant to me. But my mother was tired of taking her to the doll hospital and knew she was no longer patchable. They tried to appease me with another doll, but it was never the same.

If you have a Mac you should be able to easily do your videos in iMovie and then put them on YouTube. Be a shame to lose them.

Joy said...

Great Easter hat, love the Angie's spiky hair, its a great photo. I think we are all drawn back to the house we lived in as children, they hold such memories.

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