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~ Kathy M.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Urban Reds in Bend, Oregon

Yesterday was just gorgeous!  50*, clear and crisp.  Cary and I drove into Bend to run some errands.  I decided to take pictures of all things red as we drove around town, a scavenger hunt of sorts.

These are some of the pictures that I came up with:

These below don't have much red in them, but I thought they were still neat.  The kids who lived at this house had good reason to worry that Santa wouldn't make it down their chimney:

Today promises to be just as beautiful, but we will be staying inside and watching the football playoffs.  I am very interested in watching the San Francisco 49's vs the Atlanta Falcons.  That game begins at noon our time, and I am rooting for S.F.  Both teams played great last weekend, so this should be very exciting football.

What is your weather like right now, and who do you want to see play in the Superbowl this year?

Inquiring minds would like to know!

~ Kathy M.

At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot!  All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today.
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Bethe77 said...

I love that you went on a scavenger hunt. What a clever idea. A red theme today. Nice! You found some great red! A payphone? I didnt even know you could still find one and one that would be able to be i use. That is a sweet fine! I love the red sweater in the store window. Though I do love red. Your last photo. I love! That is very interesting! Yes, Santa would not be ale to get down that chimney for sure. :(

Answer to your question.
We are 49er fans here. So we will be rooting for them to go all the way and take the Super Bowl!
Who would I like them to play? I havent an answers for that one.

Have a super Sunday!

Bethe77 said...

Oh darn I forgot to answer about weather. Another day of sunshine here but cold. The east winds are picking up

Lisa Ricard Claro said...

As usual, you got some good ones! Our weather is warmer than expected, near 60. My hubby has the game on downstairs, but I'm not a football fan so I've done a fine job of ignoring it. LOL

KathyB. said...

Most of the red you pictured made me hungry, especially the Papa Johns ! What a great idea.

Your weather is practically tropical, and here in Western Washington we seem to be barely at 30 degrees. I spend a lot of time lately hauling jugs of hot water to my many chickens, sheep & turkeys, all the outside water is ice. It is fun though to watch our ducks on the ice on the pond! ( but I still have to haul hot water to their pen). :(

Little Nell said...

That's an interesting way of doing it! The weather here? Well it's warm but breezy and we had a spot of two of rain, but strong winds are predicted for tomorrow - not unusual for Lanzarote.

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