During the month of April, I am participating in the Blogging From A-Z April 2012 Challenge, where we post everyday except for Sundays. I have decided to make flashcards for the letter of the day out of my photos, and then use the picture as a writing prompt. I am using my Thesaurus to make a story out of words beginning with the letter "L", and to have it make sense. I have no idea of the twists and turns that it will take and usually crack myself up when I am all through. Hope these little ditties make you laugh too. The whole list of my A-Z posts are all listed on the top of the left-hand sidebar.
Thank you for your visit, and please come back again tomorrow! I'll be by to visit those who leave me comments, and also visit as many others as I can. If you like what you see, please feel free to become my newest follower. ~ Kathy M.
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
"Lillian, Go Lay Down!"
by Kathy Matthews
Lillian was lovely, ladylike, lucky, and very lonely. She lived across the road from Leaburg Lake, in the lavish lawyer's home and was an ignored pet to his daughter Lila.
Lila was forever telling Lillian to "go lay down!", like she was a dog or something. It was almost laughable. Lillian was always laying down, lackadaisically lounging on her heated rock, but never on Lila's lap. It was the life of leisure; but not really.
Lila was lazy, loudmouthed and a bit loony. Lax in her feeding and watering of poor Lillian, the little lizard was often lightheaded and listless. Though her lawyer father lectured her, Lila often lied and gave him lip, saying that he smelled of liquor. To sum it up, Lila was a louse.
Low-spirited, Lillian listened to her loud and lively cousins on Leaburg Lake as if they were her lullaby, and wished that she was loved.
Following the theme of the of the alphabet, I am also
featuring this out-of-print book created by a couple of Oregon ladies in
1983. Please come back tomorrow to see the next page in the series:
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
I love lizards! The little ones, anyway. When we lived in Key West we had geckos inside all the time. Drove me nuts until I realized they didn't get into anything or cause any problems, and also I had no bugs or spiders! The little lizards got rid of them for me. :) And now we have a lizard living in our mailbox. He's a little black fella who hides the second he sees us.
I love lizards too. I'm visiting from the A to Z Challenge and will come back to see what happens.
Oh -- a sad story!
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