Welcome to the online diary of a Central Oregon Grandmother (me) who is busy celebrating the positive portions of her everyday life ... along with her best friend husband (Cary). It is quite an eclectic diary and I try to do my best to incorporate a little bit of history into many of my posts. Your visit to our piece of American Pie is greatly appreciated. This chatty Kathy posts frequently, so coming back to visit often is highly encouraged.
Showing you Oregon,one post at a time. Did you know that I post the links of many of my stories and articles on the sidebar? When you have extra time, please scroll down to see more. At the bottom of this page there are links to many other blogs that I enjoy.
Hello, friends, thank you so much for stopping by. I really hope that you will enjoy your visit to Oregon Gifts. Due to spam, I am not accepting comments from anonymous people. Please email me at: oregongiftsofcomfortandjoy@hotmail.com if you are unable to leave a comment on here. I write back through email when I can.
My words and photographs are copyrighted, and may not be used without permission, even on Pinterest.
~ Kathy M.
Friday, April 30, 2010
California Cousins Come for a Visit:
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
From Trash to Treasure:
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
I will do a follow-up post on this to show you the finished project. Oh, see all my cookbooks lined up behind all of those bottles and jars? My Bread Alone book that I won from Becky is sitting right on top!
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At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot! All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today. ![]() |
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
"Need help with those underwear?"
Catch more JulieJulie action on her blog at:
Chubby Mommy Running Club
Matthews' Jocks:
A good re-run story from last year:
A Trip Down Memory Lane to Home, Sweet Home:
Last Sunday, on our way home from Corvallis, we drove through Sweet Home.
I lived in Sweet Home when I was 4 and 5. I went to kindergarten there, at Oak Heights school. We lived in a house that was converted into a duplex, and my little friend next door was named Terri. My friend Monty lived with his parents and 4 brothers in the house next to us. I was living in Sweet Home when President Kennedy was shot. I remember that day very well, because when I got home from school, my Mom was watching the black and white t.v. and she was crying. It may have been the first time that I saw her cry ... she's very good about holding it all in. I felt a sense of doom, and, of course there was good reason for that.
My dad was the manager at the grocery store. My mom was a R.N. at the hospital in Lebanon. We weren't that far away from Harrisburg and Junction City, so Uncle Red, Aunt Vete, Shelly and Terry ... as well as Grandma and Grandpa Johnson and Grandma and Grandpa T. came to visit often. I had a world globe, that I was very proud of. One time Uncle Red brought his wild brother Tom with him, and Tom broke my globe. I felt pretty bad about that one.
I learned to ride my bike at this house. I ran through the sprinkler in the summer with my brother wearing only my underpants. The older kids (probably 2nd or 3rd graders) made fun of me, and made me feel bad and ashamed because I didn't have a top on. Never again did I go outside without my top!
The neighbor's dog, Sadie, died when somebody threw poisoned meat over the fence and she ate it.
I lived in that house during the big flood. My dad's store was flooded, but we lived up high enough not to have our little house effected. There were old, unused railroad tracks behind the house that we used to explore.
I went to a sleepover at Monty's in the backyard when they had their tent up. I got up very early and went home because I was a little spooked. When the boys woke up they came over and made sure I was okay. They were nice boys.
Monty showed up later at my high school and we really never connected again. I was nice to him, but I didn't hang out with him; and I didn't tell that many people that he was my best friend when I was 5. I feel bad about that now, but we are now FB friends.
Here is a picture of my dad with a reverse mohawk, my little brother, my baby sister Angie and me, sitting on our porch:
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Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy ~ Kathy Matthews |
This is what the house looked like on Sunday. It doesn't really look that different, does it? Too bad all those cars are blocking the view. I hopped out of the car with my camera and a lady flung open the front door. I said, "I hope you don't mind, but I lived here when I was 5." Cary said, "Is this a duplex?" He still wasn't sure it was the right house. She nodded her head. I said, "Does it have an upstairs?" She nodded again. I guess she thought we were legit, because she just turned around and closed the door:
This is what my old school looks like now:
My Best Friend Husband is 11 years older than me. He was a senior in high school when I was in kindergarten. We have a standing joke that he walked by my classroom one day, looked in the window, pointed to me and said: "I'm going to marry that little girl someday!" This would have been the school where he found me and claimed dibs. It's funny how 11 years makes such a difference when you are young but not when you are old.
I loved going to school. I remember walking up the long hill from school to home, by myself. Guess what? It is barely a slope, and certainly not a hill. Also, it is only about a half block away from my old house. On Halloween, we were dressing up at school. I wore my costume to school, because that is what we understood we were supposed to do. But, no. We were supposed to bring our costumes to school and put them on for the party. Once again, I was embarrassed. Oh well.
I graduated from kindergarten at Oak Heights School, and when I find those pictures I'll post them someday.
This is my doll Sherry. I got Sherry for my birthday when I was 5. I loved Sherry very much. So did my little brother. He was really a pretty easy going guy at the age of 2 1/2, but he would fight me for that doll. I had to hide her under my shirt just to avoid conflict. My mom and dad decided to buy him his own doll. It was a jester stuffed doll, and Mitch named him Pinocchio. He loved Pinocchio so much that he eventually loved him to death. After a couple of years, Mom and Dad had to get another, similar jester doll that was subsequently named Pinocchio. I think he still has that one. We are kind of a sentimental bunch in our family.
On our drive back home, I was telling my Cary all about my time living in Sweet Home and the above memories. I started feeling really bad about Sherry. I built her a new body about 25 years ago, but currently she was just shoved in the toy box in the spare room. Yesterday, when I was at Bi-Mart, I found a cute doll with extra clothes and accessories on sale. I bought it, came home, dressed Sherry and put her in the cute little doll bed pictured above. I held her and kissed her, and felt really bad that she has been hanging out naked with her arm falling off in a dark toy box. Now she is all spiffed up, as you can see. I showed her to Cary and he said, "Do you still have her original clothes?" I said, "Heck no! She doesn't even have her original body!" Then he said, "What are you doing, holding and kissing that doll?" I said, "Trying to make up for 45 years of neglect."
Welcome back, Sherry. Now I just need to go retrieve Tippy from the (clean) garbage can in the storage unit that holds all of the old stuffed animals.
~ Kathy M., November 2009
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At Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy, if you miss a day, you miss a lot! All material on this post is copyrighted and not for use without my permission ...Please click here to go to my home page and see what is happening in Mayberry today. ![]() |
Pish 4 Commish!
Well, here is another high school friend of mine who is doing fantastic things for the community. I went to Churchill High School in Eugene with Joe Pishioneri, and he has always been a great guy. Come to find out, Joe's stepmother and my Mom are good friends who go to Guatemala each year on medical mission trips. Joe is now one of my Facebook friends, and is currently a Springfield City Councilor, Ward 6, who is running for Lane County Commissioner, District 2, Springfield. Joe is Nonpartisan with moderate views, and his priorities are job growth, economic recovery and public safety.
If you live in Joe's district, I hope that you will vote for him, and help show your support by putting signs in your yard and/or helping his campaign in other ways. Contact information is provided at the bottom of this post.
Candidate for Lane County Commissioner
"I need your support now as I seek office of Lane County Commissioner for the Springfield District. I am not seeking this office as a stepping-stone to higher office. I am not seeking this office as a professional politician. I am not seeking this office as a part of my partisan political agenda.
I am seeking this office in order to serve the people of Lane County in challenging times - which is why I am asking you to help me solve some of our biggest problems during these challenging times. Job growth, economic recovery and public safety are my priorities. The problems are easy to see, and my solutions are sensible and practical.
Lane County government needs leadership with experience,vision and the commitment necessary to prioritize government services and stabilize the most critical programs. We need leaders with a strong background in public sector management and current, respectful working relationships with all the various agencies, entities, elected officials, labor organizations and businesses. My record shows that I have what it takes to do the job.
Some of my opponents have greater name recognition than I do and have been covered by the media more than I have. These challenges will not stop me. I run in this election to serve."
Joe serves his community in some of the following ways:
- Springfield City Councilor Ward 6
- Springfield Finance and Judiciary Committe
- Chair, Springfield Economic Development Agency (Glenwood)
- Chair, Springfield Economic Development Agency (Downtown)
- Joe serves on the boards of LCOG, The McKenzie Watershed Council, The Excutive Board of TravelLane County (CVALCO) and is a member of the Springfield Jail Operations Planning Group
- Lane County Public Safety PAC
You can vote for Joe if you live in District 2 in the map above. District 2 includes everything inside the city limits of Springfield, plus the area of Eugene that is between Coburg Road and I-5, with the north boarder being Chad Drive and the southern boarder being I-105. You can help support Joe no matter where you live!
You can contact Joe at:
"Pish 4 Commish" Facebook page:
Friends of Joe Pishioneri
1863 Pioneer Parkway East #614
Springfield OR 97477-3907
(541) 543-2564
Email: joe.pishioneri@gmail.com
Thursday, April 22, 2010
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands:
First, today is Earth Day. They invented Earth Day 40 years ago. I think it is about taking care of the earth. Cleaning up litter, recycling, planting new trees, etc.
Second, today is my nephew Ethan's birthday. They made him 20 years and 9 months ago. He's my little sweetie, 2 months younger than my Nigel.
Third, all those red dots on this world map below are you guys! From 35 countries so far. Wow. Thanks for reading my blog. I sure would love to hear from you. Just for today, if you would like to leave a comment and tell us your first name and your location, that would be too cool. To leave a comment, you can sign on as anonymous if you want to.
Current Country Totals
United States (US) | 601 |
Canada (CA) | 16 |
United Kingdom (GB) | 8 |
Czech Republic (CZ) | 3 |
Switzerland (CH) | 3 |
Russian Federation (RU) | 3 |
Guam (GU) | 3 |
Lithuania (LT) | 2 |
Indonesia (ID) | 2 |
Thailand (TH) | 2 |
Finland (FI) | 1 |
Austria (AT) | 1 |
France (FR) | 1 |
Norway (NO) | 1 |
Germany (DE) | 1 |
Ireland (IE) | 1 |
Romania (RO) | 1 |
Poland (PL) | 1 |
Netherlands (NL) | 1 |
Latvia (LV) | 1 |
Italy (IT) | 1 |
Djibouti (DJ) | 1 |
Philippines (PH) | 1 |
Vietnam (VN) | 1 |
Nigeria (NG) | 1 |
Australia (AU) | 1 |
Singapore (SG) | 1 |
Saudi Arabia (SA) | 1 |
Taiwan (TW) | 1 |
Turkey (TR) | 1 |
New Zealand (NZ) | 1 |
Greece (GR) | 1 |
Korea, Republic of (KR) | 1 |
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) | 1 |
Bulgaria (BG) | 1 |


Links to My Oregon Blog Posts (Except for Central Oregon):
Posts About Oregon:
- 2013 Cemetery Tour
- A Drive Along The Oregon Outback: Summer Lake Hot Springs
- Ashland, Oregon's Lodging Options
- Ashland, Oregon: Lithia Park in the Fall
- Beautiful Oregon Pictures
- Belknap Host Springs Resort: Upper Level
- Belknap Hot Springs Resort, McKenzie River Valley OR
- Belknap Springs Resort - "The Not So Secret Gardens"
- Belknap Springs Resort and Gardens: The Loge Area
- Belknap Springs Resort: "The Secret Garden"
- Blue River, McKenzie River Valley OR
- Clear Lake Resort, McKenzie River Valley OR
- Clearwater Falls, Hwy 138
- Colliding Rivers Viewpoint
- Collier Logging Museum
- Collier Logging Museum: Pioneer Village
- Coos Bay Trip #1: The Mill Casino
- Coos Bay Trip #2: Sea Gulls and Pier
- Coos Bay Trip #3: Fisherman's Wharf
- Coos Bay Trip #4: Cape Arago Area
- Cougar (Terwilliger) Hot Springs Lagoon
- Cougar Dam, Blue River OR
- Cougar Logoon and Old Growth Hiking Trail in The McKenzie River Valley of Oregon
- Cougar Reservoir Old Growth HIke, McKenzie River Valley
- Devil's Punch Bowl State Park
- Devil's Punch Bowl State Park Photos #2
- Drain, Oregon: The Drain Castle
- Drain, Oregon: The Hassard House
- Fish Lake #1, McKenzie River Valley OR
- Fish Lake Revisited (July 2009)
- God's Country Part 2: The Beaver Trail at Holiday Farms in Rainbow, Oregon
- God's Country Part I: The Park at Holiday Farms RV Park in Rainbow, Oregon
- Grass Valley, Oregon
- Green Waters Park, Oakridge OR
- Herbert Hoover Visits The McKenzie River Valley of Oregon
- Holiday Farms RV Resort in Rainbow, OR
- I Dream of Eugene "Eugene in the Spring"
- I Dream of Eugene: "J.W. Quackenbush's Hardware Store"
- I Dream of Eugene: "Just where was that Skinner Cabin?"
- I Dream of Eugene: A History Lesson on the Sidewalk
- I Dream of Eugene: The 5th Street Market
- I Dream of Eugene: The 5th Street Market Mural
- Link to my Central Oregon Blog
- Link to my McKenzie River Valley of Oregon Blog
- Living at Camp Christian, Walterville OR
- Lookout Point and Dexter Lakes
- McCreadie Hot Springs Photos
- McCredie Day Use Site
- McKenzie River Valley: Delta Campground
- McKenzie Station Espresso and Inn at McKenzie Bridge
- Naked in Nature: McCredie Hot Springs
- Newport, Oregon #1
- Newport, Oregon: Historic Bay Front and Fisherman's Wharf
- Newport, Oregon: Historic Nye Beach
- Newport, Oregon: The Oregon Coast Aquarium
- Newport, Oregon: The Oregon Coast Aquarium 2009
- Newport, Oregon: Views of Yaquina Bay State Park
- North Fork of the Willamette River Near Oakridge
- North Santiam River State Park
- Odell Lake
- Olallie Campground: Upper McKenzie River
- Pringle Falls Experimental Forest in La Pine
- Rainbow, Oregon Area: Feb. 2009
- Sahalie Falls, McKenzie River OR
- Salt Creek Falls, Highway 58 at Willamette Pass
- Seaside, Oregon: A Weekend of 6th Grade Basketball
- Seaside, Oregon: On the Beach
- Seaside, Oregon: The Carousel
- Seaside, Oregon: Window Shopping
- Shadow Shots from Around Oregon
- Shahalie Falls
- Shelter Cover Resort at Odell Lake, Oregon
- Silverton, Oregon Video
- South Santiam River: Fernview Campground
- Taking the Long Way Home Part I: Unity, Fall Creek, Lowell
- Taking the Long Way Home Part II: Westfir, Oakridge, Highway 58
- The Astoria Column in Astoria, Oregon
- The Columbus Day Storm
- The Dreaded Scotch Broom
- The Hassard House Becomes Sweet Thang Chocolates
- The Hassard House Becomes Sweet Thang Chocolates
- The Hotel Elliott in Astoria, Oregon
- The Hotel McCredie and McCredie Hot Springs
- The Lightship Columbia
- The McKenzie River Valley #1
- The Oregon (Portland) Zoo
- The Rustic Skillet in Rainbow, OR
- Train Mountain in Chiloquin, OR
- Trapper Creek at Odell Lake
- Unity Bridge at Fall Creek
- Warm Springs Photos 2008
- Wicopee Fields and The Frazier Slide
- Winter on the North Fork and Willamette: Oakridge Rest Area
"More Blog Friends"
Black Day in July8 years ago
HAPPY NEW YEAR!12 years ago
"Oregon Bloggers"
"Sepia Saturday, Postcard and Stamp Blogs"
"Writing and Poetry Blogs":
- Backtracking
- Cathy C.'s Hall of Fame
- Claudia's Page
- Donna's Book Pub
- Elizabeth Mueller
- Emma's LLM Calling
- Fireside Park - Tony Benson
- Gumbo Justice
- Katie O'Sullivan
- Laura Howard's Finding Bliss
- Margo Benson
- Musings From The Moment
- Napple Notes
- Rinkly Rimes
- She Writes Members Blogs
- So You Want to be a Writer
- The Art of Being Broken
- The Publishing Virgin
- Womens Memoirs
- Write From the Heart
"Spiritual and Inspirational Blogs"
"My Blog List"
Earrings8 years ago
Bolzano Daily Photo is TWELVE2 years ago
Inspiration Thursday7 years ago
Oktoberdagar i Rössjötrakten2 years ago
Christmas & New Year Wishes5 years ago
Coffee Cherry Pickin'5 years ago
Healthy Breakfast For Weight Loss7 years ago
Roses are red!2 years ago
"Photography Blogs"
- A Southern Daydreamer
- Coloring Outside the Lines
- Dusty Us Diaries
- Faith, Hope and a Whole Lotta Love
- Heart's Content
- In Amazing Graceland
- Martha's Musings
- Meditations of My Heart
- Miranda
- My Arts Desire
- My Garden Haven
- My Heart's Content
- My Photography in Focus
- Old Forest
- Patina Moon
- Photographers of Esty
- Photographers of Esty Blog
- Pioneer Woman
- Smiling Sally's Blue Monday
- Snapshots of Bombay
- Stamp Mouse
- The Feathered Nest
- Tina's Pic Story
- Watery Wednesday
"Book Clubs and Book Blogs":
"Food and Cooking Blogs"
"Decorating and Homemaking Blogs":
"Art/Craft and Sewing/Quilting Blogs":
"M.E., Vintage, Cherry and Shabby Chic Blogs":
"Marriage and Family Blogs"
"Humor Blogs":
Frugal Living and Coupon Sites:
More neat blogs and websites to check out!
Links and Resources:
- "Getting the Hang of the Business End of Things" for Writers
- 1859 Oregon Magazine
- 20 Search.com
- ABDPBT.com
- Art-e-zine: Vintage Resources
- Bend Blogs.com
- Bend Bulleitn: Bend Events for the Week
- Bend: Survival Common Sense Blog
- Big Huge Labs.com
- Bing/Windows Live Pictures
- Book Blogger Directory
- Book Catcher.com
- Chickens in the Road.com
- Cottage Hill's Linky List
- Deb Gould
- Dictionary.com
- Earth Files.com
- Easy Bread Recipe
- El.com - Oregon Links
- Eugene Police Reports
- Explore Central Oregon
- Family Old Photos.com
- Fracture Me Photo Frames Website
- Free Genealogy Websites
- Free Photo Effects
- Free Photo Sources
- Free University Writing Classes
- Geneabloggers.com
- Google Books
- Hack Bend: What's Going On In Bend OR
- Historic Photo Archive.com
- Hiveword
- How to make your own postcards.
- Indie Fixx's Feed Your Soul: Free Art!
- Is Somebody Stealing Your Blog Content?
- Link to Curtis Irish's Collection on Flicker
- List of 5106 Oregon Landmarks
- Lost Oregon Links
- MLB - Home Page
- MLB - Mariners
- MLB - Rays
- MLB - Red Sox
- MLB - Yankees
- Make Your Own Slide Show
- Malibu Recovery Center Blog
- Meme-Aholoics List of Meme Parties
- NaNoWriMo Forums
- Nan's Cottage Design Studio
- Nature Photography Blog
- ODOT Webcam and Trip Checks for Central Oregon
- Old Oregon Photos.com
- Oregon Hiking.com
- Oregon Hot Springs Map
- Oregon Wildfire Info
- Pacific Crest Stock Photos.com
- ParaPublishing.com
- Patch.com
- Photo Friday.com
- Photo Secrets.com
- Plumrose Lane
- Project Gutenberg: Free Books!
- Publication Studio: Books on Demand
- Publishing Syndicate.com
- RV Parks.com
- Salem History - Old Oregon Photos
- Skool Days Nostalgia Blog
- Southern Oregon History Website
- Surnames in Douglas County, Oregon - Linkpendium
- Survival Center.com
- The Oregon Encyclopedia and The Willamette River
- The Publicity Primer (From Shannon at The Warrior Muse)
- Thesaurus.com
- Tom's Book Publishing Blog
- TomFolio.com
- Visit USA.com
- Western Americana
- Word Hippo
- Writer Beware!